


  • Vision

    Becoming the trusted tech-enabled rural commerce platform by empowering local communities

  • Mission

    • Equalize access to relevant products and services for rural communities through physical and digital infrastructure, for our users, national suppliers & strategic partners.
    • Enable rural entrepreneurs to scale up their businesses, for our users & local suppliers.
    • Empower local talents to be vocal contributors to their communities, for our talents

Our Team:

Thanks to our impact-driven, compassionate, and integrous team, we have seen a satisfying growth towards the local economy since we first established. Join us and be part of the change!

See Available Position
  • Tyas Djatmiko

    Tyas Djatmiko

    Lead Project Manager

  • Anggi Susanto

    Anggi Susanto

    Lead Backend

  • Alfian Wibisono

    Alfian Wibisono

    Lead UI/UX Designer

  • Sisca Riani

    Sisca Riani


  • Agustino Crisna

    Agustino Crisna



Narada :

The term Narada is adapted from Batara Narada, a character that serves as consulate and right-hand of heaven’s king in Indonesia’s traditional folklore. Narada also stands for “Nara” which means “people” and “Da” which is an abbreviation from Dagangan.

Pandawa Siaga
Pandawa Siaga

Pandawa Siaga :

Pandawa Siaga is an abbreviation from Pasukan Dagangan Berwibawa Sigap Andalan dalam Berniaga (Wise, Agile, and Dependable Dagangan’s Frontliner in Trades). They are our frontliners in terms of interacting with our customers.

Get In Touch With Us

With Dagangan, you can get:

  • New Promo & Discounts

    New Promo & Discounts

  • Chance to win our mission prize

    Chance to win our mission prize

  • Free product delivery 5 days a week

    Free product delivery 5 days a week

  • Boosts your business with our newest product

    Boosts your business with our newest product

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